Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are a group of developmental disorders that can cause difficulties with socializing, communicating or behavior. Symptoms of autistic disorder are usually recognized between two and three years of age, although they may be present much earlier.

An autistic child may lack the ability to speak or understand and may show little interest in communicating – even by nonverbal means such as making eye contact, gesturing, pointing or miming. Some children with autism engage in repetitive behaviors such as hand or finger flapping or twisting, rocking or swaying. Many children with autism spectrum disorder perceive sounds, tastes, or touch differently.

It is not clear how or why autism develops. Autism has been attributed to vaccine exposure (particularly measles vaccine and thimerosal, a mercury preservative used in vaccines). However, the overwhelming majority of scientific studies do not support an association between immunizations and autism.

Our doctors routinely screen for autism as part of all baby and small child check-ups. If you have concerns that your child may be demonstrating signs of autism spectrum disorder, please come in and discuss them with us.